What gives us happiness? Is it stuff? Like cars, clothes, and homes. Some people seem to think so. Corporations that sell consumer products especially want you to think so.
Something I’ve noticed though is that obtaining to much can have the opposite effect. In fact, I see people that become overwhelmed with stress by their own belongings. Especially when they’ve developed a hoarding disorder.
Somewhere in their mind they believe that item can be used for something around the house, sold, or given to a family member or friend. Knowing the retail value on a item can really heighten this need to hold onto to things. But guess what. Most of us never get around to using that item, selling it, or giving it to that special someone. Oh and the retail value? The retail value is often made up. Don’t believe me? Go to any second hand shop and you’ll see a variety of brand name items, often in perfect condition, being sold 5 times cheaper.
When letting consumerism control us it can get out of control. Before we know it, we have hundreds, sometimes thousands of items lying around the house consuming our space. Perhaps even your life. Studies have shown that people who spend their time and money on experiences tend to report living happier and more satisfied lives than those who prioritize materialism.
Seems to make sense too. Think about it. When you’re lying on your death bed and reminiscing your life will you be cherishing the time you bought that new smart phone or will you cherish the time you took that trip with your family on that awesome vacation get away?
I’ve done countless amount of jobs where I haul away stuff that most would consider junk but what’s funny is that piece of “junk” was once a “hot item” a piece many would spend good money on. Inevitably though, technology improves and fashions change. Products we once thought would solve our problems now become our problem.
It’s time to move and all that stuff that’s been collecting in that spare bedroom and garage now have to be removed. You only got a few days to decide what to do with it and finally decide that the only way to relieve yourself from the stress is to just throw it away. But how? It won’t fit in your garbage can! You don’t have a truck but hey you could always rent a box truck. Wait, no time for that, you’ve got to prioritize your time and energy for the stuff you want to keep. The clocks ticking and the pressure is building on what to do with all that junk! That’s where we come in! With a simple call or text you can schedule an appointment for a free estimate and watch your stress be hauled away.
If you’re tired of seeing, hearing, and speaking about your junk then call us now at (541)337-0619.
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