It's well known around Eugene, Oregon that Junk Munkiez is the go to company for junk, trash, and garbage hauling. Whether the items are in good or bad condition, in or outside your property, up or downstairs, it doesn't matter. We'll haul away just about anything! But what about those refrigerators full of putrid rotting meats? The frigs that smell so bad they'll wake the dead! The answer is yes. Time and time again we've proven that we're not afraid. Even from the down right nasty jobs!
A Eugene resident had a refrigerator in a storage room go out on her while in the hospital. It was off for about two weeks before she finally realized it. The frig contained two large turkeys, several packs of raw steaks and chicken meat and a few other perishable items. It was discovered once the smell started making its way through the air ducts.
Elderly and recently coming out of surgery, she wasn't able to take care of it herself. Understandably too! Luckily, she found us. When arriving to her property and opening the storage room door the odor was immediately noticeable. We opened the refrigerator door to see the contents inside and that's when the smell hits you like a freight train! Your gag reflexes go into over drive so you hold your breath to prevent throwing up. It would be nice just to keep it shut by duct taping it but unfortunately in these scenarios, the frigs must be emptied before hauling away. The weight can become tremendously heavy when full on top of them having to be empty before dumping them at Lane County Waste Management.
To prevent leaks, we triple bagged the contents. The turkeys began deteriorating to the point they were mushy and slimy. This made grabbing a hold of them difficult due to them being slippery. On the bottom was a pool of blood and other juices. Colonies of bacteria could be seen growing on the surface of the pool.
After bagging everything, we successfully removed the appliance and hauled it to the transfer station.
If you have the same scenario then don't fret. Call us at (541)337-0619 for our services.
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